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Mental Health & Youth with Physical Disabilities

Our projects

Mental Health & Youth with Physical Disabilities

Shalini Lal

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Mental Health & Youth with Physical Disabilities

We are conducting a series of projects on the topic of mental health and youth with physical disabilities. Here are two examples:

1. Scoping review on the mental health of youth with physical disabilities

Project Summary
This completed scoping review synthesizes knowledge on the co-occurrence, impact, and type of mental health problems experienced by young people with childhood-onset physical disabilities, and their access to mental health services. It is the first phase of a larger research project aiming to improve the mental health outcomes of young people affected by childhood-onset physical disabilities.
This project is underway - check this space for more updates!

2. Organization of rehabilitation services for youth with co-occurring physical disabilities and mental health problems: current practices, emerging needs and future directions.

Project Summary
Building on the scoping review mentioned above, this doctoral project aims to 1) identify existing evidence about rehabilitation services and models for youth with childhood-onset physical disabilities experiencing mental health problems, 2) determine interdisciplinary practices, procedures and needs in service delivery from the perspectives of services providers (clinicians, managers) and receivers (youth, family members), and 3) develop and evaluate guidelines for integration of care.

These projects are partially supported through operational funds from the Canada Research Chairs Program awarded to Shalini Lal, PhD. There is no specific grant funding for these projects. If you would like to further support the advancement of research pertaining to youth with physical disabilities experiencing mental health problems, contact us at:

Partners and Collaborators
These projects are conducted in collaboration with Dr. Dana Anaby from McGill University.

Contact person
Shalini Lal, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc.O.T. (Reg.QC)

Youth Mental Health and Technology Lab
Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM)
Pavillion S 850, Rue St-Denis, Bureau S03.328
Montréal (Québec) H2X 0A9
