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Scoping Review Toolkit

Our projects

Scoping Review Toolkit

Shalini Lal

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Achieving Greater Success in Conducting a Scoping Review in Health Sciences : A Toolkit 

Check out our French Toolkit! Containing teaching vignettes, experiential videos and a variety of resources, the toolkit aims to help you conduct a quality scoping review in health sciences. 

Project Summary 

The aim of this project is to provide the French-speaking higher education community (e.g., students, teachers) with an Open Educational Resource (OER) to help them carry out a quality scoping review in the health sciences, developed for, and in collaboration with students.  

Developed from course and seminar notes used by Professor Shalini Lal, the content was adapted to student needs and OER standards using a participatory approach involving Université de Montréal professors, students and librarians. 

The resource is in the form of a toolkit, and contains experiential videos, teaching vignettes and a variety of resources (e.g., websites, scientific articles, writing aids), all focused on the essential steps involved in conducting a scoping review. The toolkit is presented in the form of an online book, and is organized into chapters for easy navigation, allowing users to follow the order of presentation or select specific sections. 

Check out this video for an overview of the toolkit:

License: CC-BY-NC-SA

Link to the toolkit: 



Shalini LAL, Tania SABATINO, Sarra JAZI

Contributors (in alphabetical order)

Claudine AUGER, Louis-Pierre AUGER, Federico BELLINI, Monique CLAR, Myrian GRONDIN, Tamara LEFRANC, Pascal MARTINOLLI, Mouna MOUMENE, Nadielda PASTOR-BÉDARD, Normand ROY, Hajar SEDFI

Acknowledgments (in alphabetical order)

Marilou BOURQUE, Louise DEMERS, Cyril DUCLOS, Johanne HIGGINS, Jade JASMIN, Ayda KHALILI, Mariane LÉONARD, Virginie PAQUET, Claude POTVIN, Camille PROULX

Contact person 

Shalini Lal, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc.O.T. (Reg.QC)


Youth Mental Health and Technology Lab
Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM)
Pavillion S 850, Rue St-Denis, Bureau S03.328
Montréal (Québec) H2X 0A9
