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Student Mental Health

Our projects

Student Mental Health

Shalini Lal

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Student Mental Health

We are conducting a series of projects on the topic of student mental health. Here are two examples:

1. Scoping Review

Project Summary
This scoping review seeks to synthesize research on the factors influencing the mental health of undergraduate students in the health field. Considering the high prevalence of mental health issues within this population, this project will inform the development of interventions for mental health promotion and problem prevention.

2. Achieving better mental health for university rehabilitation students: A scoping review and mixed-methods study.

Project Summary
This Master’s thesis project aims to 1) synthesize knowledge about mental health interventions available to undergraduate students in a health field, and 2) explore the views of undergraduate occupational therapy and physical therapy students on the appropriateness of mental health interventions in relation to their needs, in addition to factors influencing their mental health.

These projects are partially supported through operational funds from the Canada Research Chairs Program awarded to Shalini Lal, PhD. There is no specific grant funding for these projects. If you would like to further support the advancement of student mental health research, contact us at:

Partners and Collaborators
Students and professor representatives from the School of Rehabilitation at the University of Montréal: 

  • Shalini Lal, Associate Professor and Research Director

  • Johanna Higgins, Occupational Therapy Program Director and Associate Professor 

  • Johanne Filiatrault, Full Professor

  • Winnie Daniel, Clinical Assistant Professor and Occupational Therapist

  • Hajar Sedfi, 3rd year Occupational Therapy Student

  • Sofia Bouferguene, 1st year Occupational Therapy Student

Contact person 
Shalini Lal, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc.O.T. (Reg.QC)

Youth Mental Health and Technology Lab
Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM)
Pavillion S 850, Rue St-Denis, Bureau S03.328
Montréal (Québec) H2X 0A9
